The TW Network
Tatsunoko Fighters
Fighter ID:
Full Name
Takeshi Yoroi
Super hero, private investigator, former police officer

Tatsunoko Fight
From Hurricane Polymer
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
From Hurricane Polymer.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Ultimate All-Stars
A heroic crime fighter with a strong sense of justice, Polimar is a master of the invincible Hurricane-style martial art, which is known for its magical movements. He also wears the Polimar Suit, a special high-tech crime-fighting suit made of shape-shifting memory plastic. The real man hidden under the suit is Takeshi Yoroi, a private detective’s assistant, whose undercover identity is that of a hapless loser.

Fun Facts
Beni's Bizarre Connection(s)
KOF's Benimaru is based on two seperate manga characters from the late '80s, Polnareff (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) and Senkuu (Sakigake!! Otokojuku)

While both characters are tall-haired blondes, Benimaru's first outfit is nearly an exact copy of Polnareff's. Beni's "Shinkuu Kakategoma" spinning kick is based on Senkuu's "Rikuke Shoujin Senpuu Kyaku."

Further confusing things is the fact that many of Beni's technique names (but not the techniques themselves) are straight up stolen from Tatsunoko's Hurricane Polymar.