Family Tree
Daegon and Rain are half-brothers.
Taven and Rain are half-brothers.

The Wrath of Kahn
Mortal Kombat Trilogy Storyline
Born in Kitana's former world of Edenia, Rain was smuggled away from the realm as a small child shortly after Shao Kahn's takeover. Thousands of years later he resurfaced, his allegiance belonging to Kahn. He chose to betray his homeland rather than suffer at the hands of Kahn's extermination squads.
MK Trilogy Endings
Mortal Kombat Trilogy Storyline
Rain fights valiantly for the emperor Shao Kahn. But it would be Kahn's own step daughter, the princess Kitana who turns Rain against him. Like Kitana, Rain's origins also come from their former realm of Edenia. He learns that his father was once a general in Edenia's army and died at the hands of Shao Kahn himself. Enraged at the truth about his history, he joins Kitana in aligning with the Earth Realm warriors. But his allegiance comes under question when he mysteriously disappears during an extermination squad attack. To prove his loyalty, he embarked on a suicide mission to destroy Shao Kahn and destroy the menace once and for all.
The Battle of Armageddon
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Storyline
"The Edenian race is descended from the gods. That is the reason for our longevity, our nobility, and our strength. But I am more than a distant relation to the deities of old. I am a direct descendant of Argus himself. Only recently have I discovered my royal heritage. Quan Chi, an emissary of Shinnok, revealed to me that I am entitled to great power — and control of Edenia. My father hid my identity for fear it would complicate his plans for succession. He favored his sons Daegon and Taven and groomed them to one day replace him as Protector of Edenia. But he foolishly tied this plan to a quest to save the realms from Armageddon, leaving open an opportunity for me to seize the power that is rightfully mine. Though it seems the Forces of Light seek to steal the prize from me, Quan Chi has made plans to assure my victory. He and his allies will help fend off the Forces of Light as I make my way to Blaze. But before this final battle, I must ensure that Taven and Daegon cannot challenge my ascension. I will finish them both before they complete their quest." -Rain
Daegon and Rain are half-brothers.
Taven and Rain are half-brothers.
MK Armageddon Endings
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Storyline
The half-brother of Taven and Daegon, Rain absorbed the power of Blaze and became a full god. I had not anticipated that the victor would be the son whose true identity I have hidden for so long.

I bestowed the title of Protector of Edenia on Rain, but my pride in my son was misplaced. He uses his power to enslave Edenia. And now that I have ascended to Elder God status, I am forbidden to stop him.
Kombat Rebooted
Mortal Kombat (2011)
Mortal Kombat 9 (fan name) Storyline
A refugee orphaned by Shao Kahn's conquest, Rain grew up under the protection of the Edenian Resistance. An exceptional fighter, he soon rose through their ranks. As his reputation grew, so did his arrogance. When Rain demanded leadership of the Resistance forces, he was refused. Infuriated, he turned against his rebel comrades and betrayed them to their sworn enemy. In payment for this treason, Rain was promised his own army by the emperor Shao Kahn. Power would be his - no matter the cost.
High Mage of Outworld
Mortal Kombat 1 Storyline
As a student at Outworld’s exclusive Imperial Academy of Sorcery, Rain amazed his peers with his singular aptitude for water magic. Having honed his craft of water magic into a fierce weapon, he now hopes to learn the realms’ darkest and most powerful sorcery.
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