Blood Type O
Weight 74 kg
Height 177 cm
Loves Taunting
Birthplace Hong Kong
Birthdate November 25
Measurements 113 83 88 cm
Special Skill(s) Tile breaking, Karaoke
Hates Seaweed, vain people, Evil
Fighting Style(s)
With his incomplete training, Dan's special attacks are quite strange and not as damaging as they should be, even though they're based on the same powerful moves used by Ken and Ryu. His strongest attacks involve repeated small strikes against his enemy, using them as a way to boost self-confidence. No one is quite sure why Dan is so fond of repetitive attacks, not even Dan himself.

Pocket Fighter
Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA arcade)

Hidden Character CPS2
Selectable via the empty spot in the upper right corner of the select screen.
Voice Actor Osamu Hosoi
SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom
Boss Character Neo Geo
Appears randomly as your fourth opponent in single player mode, or accessible via code.
Voice Actor Osamu Hosoi
Display Theme

Based on Azucena [Light]
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)