The TW Network
Fighting Games
Fighter ID:
Dynasty Warriors / Sangokumusou (JPN)
3D Fighter (Conventional) by Omega Force / Koei

Cao Cao
Dian Wei
Diao Chan
Guan Yu
Lu Bu
Lu Xun
Sun Shang Xiang
Taishi Ci
Xiahou Dun
Xu Chu / Xu Zhu
Zhang Fei
Zhao Yun
Zhou Yu
Zhuge Liang

Backdash (Backdash)
Tap back twice to dash back. While it can be useful to create some space between you and the opponent, it is considered as a negative action that will decrease your Chi.
Chi Meter (Super Meter)
Filling this meter up is one way to grant the player access to Musou attacks. Positive actions (attacking, parry, redirect, or winning weapons clash, or dashing in) increase your meter. Negative actions (jumping back, dash back, parried, or redirected) decreases the meter.
Dash (Dash)
Tap forward twice to dash in. This is a positive action that will increase the Chi meter.
Endless Arena (Endless Arena)
Arenas have no boundaries. Ring outs and walls do not exist.
Musou Attacks (Super Desperation Moves)
Each character has a Musou Slash and Musou Thrust attack, powerful auto-combo moves. They can be used when the Chi Meter is full or when the character's remaining life bar turns red. Filling both requirements makes the attack even more powerful.
Parry/Redirect (Precision Defense)
Parry and redirect are assigned their own buttons. Parries are used to deflect slash attacks. Redirect deflects thrusts. With good timing, the player will increase Chi and leave an adversary open for a counter attack. However, if a player uses a parry for thrust or a redirect against a slash, he/she will be thrown off-balanced instead. Low attacks cannot be parried or redirected.
Wake Up Options (Wake Up Options)
Press up to stand up. Left or right rolls forward or backwards while getting up. Slash button performs a low attack after getting up. Thrust buttons performs a high attack after getting up. Redirect button while down rolls the character to the side. Pressing the parry button when combined with other buttons increases the speed of getting up.
Weapons Clash (Mash Event)
A weapons clash will be triggered when both players attack simultaneously. Whoever presses the attack buttons more during this event will throw the loser off-balance.

War of Three Kingdoms
Collapse of the Han Dynasty

The events told here are from China 1,800 years ago. Two hundred years after the Emperor Guang-Wu revives the Han Dynasty, war and chaos once again ensue. Despotic rulers, scheming eunuchs and beaucratic infighting wreck the Eastern Han Dynasty. One violent faction, the dreaded Yellow Turban Rebels, roam the country removing officials by force.

During this chaotic time, an urgent order is sent to nobles to raise troops and defend Emperor Shao. Dong Zhuo, an ambitious and opportunistic warlord, defeats the rebel disturbance and takes the capital of Loyang. He declares himself Prime Minister and begins a tyrannical campaign to rule the country.

Many prominent nobles are alarmed by this turn of events. Together they form a league against Dong Zhuo, and pledge to overthrow him. At the same time, they individually strive to establish their own kingdom as the strongest in hope to unite the people under a new dynasty. For the next 100 years, China is torn apart by marauding warlords and warriors who seek to leave their mark on history.

Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Three men gain regional supremacy by the early third century -- Cao Cao in Wei, Sun Quan in Wu, and Liu Bei in Shu. They are aided by warriors who disdain defeat -- heroes who single-handedly challenged enemy forces to uphold the honor of their lord. When these fighting men meet, hardened by hundreds of battles, only one can become "Musou -- The Warrior Unequalled."

Voice Actor

Yukimasa Kishino as Cao Cao
Kazuya Nakai as Dian Wei
Yasunori Masutani as Guan Yu
Tetsu Inada as Lu Bu
Kenji Nojima as Lu Xun
Kazuya Nakai as Xiahou Dun
Masaya Onosaka as Zhao Yun
Masaya Onosaka as Zhuge Liang