The TW Network
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi Games
Fighter ID:
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi / Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! (JPN)
3D Fighter (3rd Person POV)
Spike / Bandai
Playstation 2
Android 16
Playstation 2
Android 17
Playstation 2
Android 18
Playstation 2
Android 19
Playstation 2
Baby Vegeta
Playstation 2
Bardock / Burdock
Playstation 2
Bojack / Bojakku
Playstation 2
Broly / Broli
Playstation 2
Burter / Butter
Playstation 2
Captain Ginyu
Cell / Perfect Cell
Playstation 2
Cell Jr.
Playstation 2
Chiaotzu / Chaozu
Playstation 2
Cooler / Coola, Kula
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Dr. Gero
Playstation 2
Evil Buu
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Gohan (Teen)
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Great Ape
Playstation 2
Great Ape (Vegeta)
Playstation 2
Great Saiyaman
Playstation 2
Guldo / Gurd, Gurdo
Playstation 2
Jeice / Jisu
Playstation 2
Kid Buu
Playstation 2
Kid Gohan
Kid Goku
Playstation 2
Kid Trunks
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Majin Buu
Playstation 2
Majin Vegeta
Playstation 2
Master Roshi
Playstation 2
Mecha Frieza
Playstation 2
Mr. Satan / Hercule
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Super Android 17
Playstation 2
Super Buu
Playstation 2
Super Janemba
Playstation 2
Tao Pai Pai
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Playstation 2
Son Gokū, 孫悟空, Gokou
Special Moves
Kamehameha / Kamehameha Wave, Turtle Power Blast, Wind Wave
Goku cups his hands to his side, then thrusts them forward, palms forward, shouting "KAMEHAMEHA!" A large blast of chi, normally blue or yellow in color, is produced.
Great Ape
Ōzaru (Kakyū Senshi), Oozaru
Command Moves
The Oozaru briefly falls asleep, which restores some of his health.
Super Moves
Super Mouth Blast / Chou Makouhou
The Oozaru fires an enormous beam of ki from his mouth.
Special Moves
Kamehameha / Kamehameha Wave, Turtle Power Blast, Wind Wave
Yamcha cups his hands to his side, then thrusts them forward, palms outward, shouting "KAMEHAMEHA!" A large blast of chi, normally blue or yellow in color, is produced.
Fun Facts
Damn Dirty Ape
The Oozaru in the Budokai Tenkaichi series is variously used to represent either Gohan or Goku's youngest incarnations in the games' story modes. However, only Kid Goku is able to actively transform into it during gameplay.
In the movie-based game DragonBall Evolution, Oozaru represents Goku's true form. It is noticeably smaller than its Budokai Tenkaichi counterpart (although still large), and still wears Goku's clothing.
Announcers in fighting games normally call out the character names, rounds, winners, and sometimes color commentary.
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Voice Actor
Hikaru Midorikawa
as Android 16
Shigeru Nakahara
as Android 17
Miki Itō
as Android 18
Yukitoshi Hori
as Android 19
Hirotaka Suzuoki
as Announcer
Yusuke Numata
as Baby Vegeta
Masako Nozawa
as Bardock
Tesshō Genda
as Bojack
Bin Shimada
as Broly
Hiromi Tsuru
as Bulma
Yukimasa Kishino
as Burter
Hideyuki Hori
as Captain Ginyu
Norio Wakamoto
as Cell
Norio Wakamoto
as Cell (first form)
Norio Wakamoto
as Cell (second form)
Hiroko Emori
as Chiaotzu
Ryūsei Nakao
as Cooler
Ryūzaburō Ōtomo
as Dabura
Yukitoshi Hori
as Dodoria
Kōji Yada
as Dr. Gero
Kōzō Shioya
as Evil Buu
Ryūsei Nakao
as Frieza
Masako Nozawa
as Gogeta
Ryō Horikawa
as Gogeta
Masako Nozawa
as Gohan
Masako Nozawa
as Gohan (Teen)
Masako Nozawa
as Goku
Masako Nozawa
as Goten
Masako Nozawa
as Gotenks
Takeshi Kusao
as Gotenks
Yasuhiko Kawazu
as Great Ape
Ryō Horikawa
as Great Ape (Vegeta)
Masako Nozawa
as Great Saiyaman
Kōzō Shioya
as Guldo
Kazumi Tanaka
as Jeice
Kōzō Shioya
as Kid Buu
Masako Nozawa
as Kid Gohan
Masako Nozawa
as Kid Goku
Takeshi Kusao
as Kid Trunks
Mayumi Tanaka
as Krillin
Kōzō Shioya
as Majin Buu
Hiroshi Masuoka
as Master Roshi
Ryūsei Nakao
as Mecha Frieza
Daisuke Gōri
as Mr. Satan
Shōzō Iizuka
as Nappa
Toshio Furukawa
as Piccolo
Shigeru Chiba
as Raditz
Kenji Utsumi
as Recoome
Yusuke Numata
as Saibaman
Shigeru Nakahara
as Super Android 17
Kōzō Shioya
as Super Buu
Tesshō Genda
as Super Janemba
Chikao Ōtsuka
as Tao Pai Pai
Takeshi Kusao
as Trunks
Ryō Horikawa
as Vegeta
Masako Nozawa
as Vegito
Ryō Horikawa
as Vegito
Yūko Minaguchi
as Videl
Tōru Furuya
as Yamcha
Shō Hayami
as Zarbon
United States
Announcers in fighting games normally call out the character names, rounds, winners, and sometimes color commentary.
Eric Vale
Voice Actor
Jeremy Inman
as Android 16
Chuck Huber
as Android 17
Meredith McCoy
as Android 18
Phillip Wilburn
as Android 19
Mike McFarland
as Baby Vegeta
Sonny Strait
as Bardock
Bob Carter
as Bojack
Vic Mignogna
as Broly
Christopher R. Sabat
as Burter
Brice Armstrong
as Captain Ginyu
Dameon Clarke
as Cell
Dameon Clarke
as Cell (first form)
Dameon Clarke
as Cell (second form)
Monika Antonelli
as Chiaotzu
Andrew Chandler
as Cooler
Rick Robertson
as Dabura
Chris Forbis
as Dodoria
Kent Williams
as Dr. Gero
Josh Martin
as Evil Buu
Linda Young
as Frieza
Christopher R. Sabat
as Gogeta
Sean Schemmel
as Gogeta
Stephanie Nadolny
as Gohan
Kyle Hebert
as Gohan (Teen)
Sean Schemmel
as Goku
Kara Edwards
as Goten
Kara Edwards
as Gotenks
Laura Bailey
as Gotenks
Shane Ray
as Great Ape
Christopher R. Sabat
as Great Ape (Vegeta)
Kyle Hebert
as Great Saiyaman
Bill Townsley
as Guldo
Christopher R. Sabat
as Jeice
Josh Martin
as Kid Buu
Stephanie Nadolny
as Kid Gohan
Stephanie Nadolny
as Kid Goku
Laura Bailey
as Kid Trunks
Sonny Strait
as Krillin
Josh Martin
as Majin Buu
Christopher R. Sabat
as Majin Vegeta
Mike McFarland
as Master Roshi
Linda Young
as Mecha Frieza
Christopher R. Sabat
as Mr. Popo
Chris Rager
as Mr. Satan
Phil Parsons
as Nappa
Christopher R. Sabat
as Piccolo
Justin Cook
as Raditz
Christopher R. Sabat
as Recoome
John Burgmeier
as Saibaman
Chuck Huber
as Super Android 17
Justin Cook
as Super Buu
Kent Williams
as Super Janemba
Kent Williams
as Tao Pai Pai
Hirotaka Suzuoki
as Tien
John Burgmeier
as Tien
Eric Vale
as Trunks
Christopher R. Sabat
as Vegeta
Christopher R. Sabat
as Vegito
Sean Schemmel
as Vegito
Kara Edwards
as Videl
Christopher R. Sabat
as Yamcha
Christopher R. Sabat
as Zarbon
Voice Director
Directs voice actors in their roles to achieve the most optimal performances.
Christopher R. Sabat