Akuma Gouki (Japan)
Throw Moves

Shoulder Drop / Seoi Nage, 背負い投げ
Akuma grabs his opponent by the head, flips them over his shoulder, and slams them into the ground.

Tomoe Nage / 巴投げ
Akuma grabs his opponent and plants a foot in their abdomen, falling backward and flipping them over his head.
Special Moves

Ashura Senku / Ashura Warp
A short / long range teleport to either end of the screen.

Gou Hadouken
Akuma's trademark version of the original, knocks down up close.

Gou Shoryuken / 豪昇龍拳
Akuma's variant of the original. Hits three times.

Shakunetsu Hadoken
Multihit flaming fireball

Tatsumaki Zankukyaku / 竜巻斬空脚
A airborne forward moving hurricane kick.

Zankuu Hadoken / 斬空波動拳
(in air)qcf+anypunch
Akuma pitches a fireball down at an angle.
Balrog M. Bison (Japan)
Throw Moves

Head Bomber
Repeated headbutts up close.
Special Moves

Buffalo Head
Balrog rises head first.

Dash Low Smash / Dash Grand Upper
Balrog dashes forward and punches mid level.

Dash Low Straight
Balrog dashes forward and punches low.

Dash Straight
Balrog dashes forward and punches.

Dash Upper
Balrog dashes forward and uppercuts.

Turn Punch
Balrog turns and punches out straight. Damage increases as long as buttons are held.
Super Moves

Crazy Buffalo
Balrog does repeated dash straights / uppers depending on button pressed.
Throw Moves

Wild Fang
Vicious repeated bites to the head.
Command Moves

Rock Crush
Up close two-hit headbutt attack.
Special Moves

Backstep Roll
Blanka hops back, then rolls forward in a rainbow arc.

Electric Thunder
Blanka hunkers down and emits a shock of electricity.

Rolling Attack
Blanka rolls forward in a ball.

Vertical Roll / Vertical Rolling
Blanka rolls up into the air at an angle.
Super Moves

Ground Shave Roll / Ground Shave Rolling
After a quick hop, Blanka multihit rolls across the floor.
Cammy White
Throw Moves

Air Frankensteiner

Flying Neck Hunt


Hooligan Suplex
Special Moves

Axle Spin Knuckle / Quick Spin Knuckle
Cammy does a quick spin, then back knuckles out.

Cannon Spike / Thrust Kick
An awkward up thrusting anti-air kick.

Hooligan Combination
Cammy leaps forward and lands with a "Laser Edge Slicer" sweep if nothing is pressed.

Spiral Arrow / Cannon Drill
Cammy spirals forward with both feet.
Super Moves

Spin Drive Smasher
Cammy does a multi-hit Spiral Arrow, followed by a multi-hit Cannon Spike.
Throw Moves

Koshu-to / 虎襲倒
A one-arm drag to the ground.

Lone Star Drop / 龍星落
(in air)(close)forward/backward/down+2punch/3punch
Chun's standard arm drag throw done in mid-air.
Command Moves

Heel Stomp / Head Stomp, Yosokyaku, 鷹爪脚
(in air)down+2kick
Chun Li stomps with extended leg and rebounds, capable of doing any air attack afterwards (including more stomps).

Kaku Kyaku Raku / 鶴脚落
Chun flips forward, ideally over the opponent's head, coming down with a palm.

Kouhou Kaiten Kyaku / 後方回転脚
Chun kicks off the opponent into a backflip.

Triangle Jump
(in air)(wall)uforward
Special Moves

Hyakuretsu Kyaku / Lightning Kick, 百裂脚
A rapid series of blurred kicks.

Kikoken / Kikouken, 気功拳
A smallish fireball with startup lag.

Spinning Bird Kick
Legs extended and hovering upside-down, Chun Li whirls at her opponent.

Tenshokyaku / 天昇脚
A quick rising spin kick.
Super Moves

Senretsukyaku / 千裂脚
An advancing kick combo.
Dee Jay
Throw Moves

Funky Shout Throw

Monkey Flip
Command Moves

Knee Shot
(in air)down+1kick(horizontal jump only)
Special Moves

Air Slasher / Max Out

Double Rolling Sobat

Jackknife Maximum

Machine Gun Upper
Super Moves

Sobat Carnival
Throw Moves

Yoga Smash / Yoga Noogie
Dhalsim repeatedly drives his fist into the top of his opponent's skull.

Yoga Throw
Dhalsim exerts his flexibility a bit for this standard throw.
Command Moves

Drill Butt
(in air)down+3punch
Dhalsim descends from the air head-first, in a straight line at a shallow angle.

Drill Kick
(in air)down+anykick
Dhalsim descends from the air feet-first at a 45 degree angle; although from ST onwards angle is selectable by kick strength.
Special Moves

Yoga Blast
A briefly sustained burst of fire up at an angle.

Yoga Fire
Dhalsim spits a small flaming projectile.

Yoga Flame
A briefly sustained burst of fire out in front.

Yoga Teleport
Dhalsim vanishes and reappears in another location on screen.
Super Moves

Yoga Inferno
A big blast of fire from the mouth.
E. Honda
Throw Moves

Saba Ori / さば折り
Mashable sumo bear hug.

Sekkan Kyaku / 折檻蹴り
Repeated knee strikes to the face.

Tawara Nage / 俵投げ
A basic sumo body toss.
Command Moves

Flying Sumo Press
(in air)down+2kick(horizontal jump only)
Body splash.

Hiza Geri / Knee Kick, ひざ蹴り
Up-close two hit knee strike with panty shot.
Special Moves

Hundred Hand Slap / Hyakuretsu Harite, 百裂張り手
Honda batters his opponent with hands so fast they appear blurred.

Oicho Throw / 大銀杏投げ
After slamming his opponent to the floor face first, Honda flips over on top of them.

Sumo Headbutt / Super Zutsuki, スーパー頭突き
E. Honda rockets towards the opponent, head first.

Sumo Smash / スーパー百貫落とし
Honda rises into the air flat, then down with a butt smash.
Super Moves

Super Killer Head Ram / 鬼無双
A succession of Sumo Headbutts.
Fei Long
Throw Moves

Gankai Hou / 岩塊投
Overhead toss.

Shuu Kubi Kari / 襲首刈
Fei Long vaults over the opponent's head before tossing them.

Shuu Kubi Raku / 襲首落
Air version of Shuu Kubi Kari.
Command Moves

Chokka Raku Shou / 直下落踵
A hopping kick.

En Geki Shuu / 遠撃蹴
Forward step followed by strong high kick.
Special Moves

Rekkaken / 烈火拳
A quick rushing punch, repeat up to 3x.

Rekkukyaku / Air Tearing Kick, Violent Air Kick, Chicken Wing, 烈空脚
A rainbow arc'd flying kick.

Shienkyaku / Flame Igniting Kick, 熾炎脚
A rising fire spin kick.
Super Moves

Rekkashinken / 烈火真拳
A longer more damaging Rekkaken.
Throw Moves

Dragon Suplex
Guile suplexes his enemy into the pavement.

Flying Buster Drop
(in air)(close)forward/backward/down+2kick/3kick
Guile grabs his opponent and drops straight down into a sort of backbreaker.

Flying Mare
(in air)(close)forward/backward/down+2punch/3punch
Grab in midair and toss opponent to the ground.

Judo Throw
A basic over-the-shoulder toss.
Command Moves

Knee Bazooka / Knee Butt
In most games, a quick hop forward and knee strike, but in SF2 simply an alternate up-close attack with no hop.

Reverse Back Knuckle
With a new standing fierce animation, Guile's old fierce becomes a command move in Super Turbo.

Reverse Spin Kick
Guile performs an inverted air-sweep.

Rolling Sobat
Kick that can move left or right slightly , depending on direction held.
Special Moves

Somersault Kick / Flash Kick
Guile somersault kicks high into the air.

Sonic Boom
Guile whips his arms forward at the speed of sound creating an energy arc.
Super Moves

Double Somersault Kick / Double Flash, Somersault Strike
Repeated somersault kicks.
Ken Masters
Throw Moves

Hell Wheel / Jigoku Sha, 地獄車
Ken's variant of the Tomoe Nage sees him take the opponent for a full somersault before kicking them away. This move was the first real difference between Ken and Ryu.

Jigoku Fuusha / 地獄風車
(in air)(close)forward/backward+2kick/3kick
Air Hell Wheel.

Seoi Nage / Flying Mare, 背負い投げ
Ken uses the same over-the-shoulder throw as Ryu.

Tsukami Nage / つかみ膝蹴り
Repeated knee strikes.
Special Moves

Hadoken / Fireball, 波動拳
Ken's utterly unspectacular projectile.

Kama Barai Geri / Inside Crescent, 鎌払い蹴り
One of Ken's "funky kicks."

Nata Otoshi Geri / Outside Crescent, 鉈落とし蹴り
Ken's strangest "funky kick."

Oosoto Mawashi Geri / Roundhouse, 大外回し蹴り
Ken's old standing roundhouse kick changed to a special move.

Shoryuken / Dragon Punch, 昇龍拳
Ansatsuken's trademark leaping uppercut. Ken's fierce Shoryukens first caught fire in Super SF2.

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku / Hurricane Kick, 竜巻旋風脚
Ken rotates forward with foot outstretched.
Super Moves

Shoryureppa / 昇龍裂破
Repeated Shoryukens.
M. Bison Vega (Japan)
Throw Moves

Deadly Throw
Bison's basic body toss.
Special Moves

Devil Reverse
Bison flies as in Head Press, but instead of stomping descends for a psycho-chop.

Double Knee Press / Scissors Kick
Bison turns a front flip and kicks out at his enemy.

Head Press
Bison leaps at his opponent's head, bounces off then turns for an optional Somersault Skull Diver with @term=anypunch@.

Psycho Crusher
Bison lances forward, bathed in psycho power.
Super Moves

Knee Press Nightmare / Scissors Kick Knightmare
Bison does a couple multi hit knee presses.
Ryo Sakazaki
Throw Moves

Brain Buster
Lift the opponent vertically and drop backwards.

Iron Claw
Zangief grips the opponent's face and crushes it with a level of vigor determined by your mashing.

A traditional, non-spinning piledriver.

Seoi Nage / Flying Mare, 背負い投げ
The basic ansatsuken over-the-shoulder throw.

Tomoe Nage / Circle Throw, 巴投げ
Ryu grips his opponent and falls backwards, kicking them away.
Command Moves

Hatobi Kudaki / Solar Plexus Smasher, 鳩尾砕き
Sliding midsection punch.

Sakotsu Wari / Collarbone Breaker, 鎖骨割り
Ryu's delayed overhead punch.
Special Moves

Hadoken / Fireball, 波動拳, Hadouken
A small burst of energy thrust from the hands.

Shakunetsu Hadoken
Flaming red variant of the Hadoken, always knocks down.

Shoryuken / Dragon Punch, 昇龍拳
A leaping one-armed uppercut.

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku / Hurricane Kick, 竜巻旋風脚
A forward moving hurricane kick.
Super Moves

Shinkuu Hadoken / Vacuum Wave Fist, 真空波動拳
A giant multi hit fireball.
Throw Moves

Tiger Carry
A basic over-the-shoulder toss.
Special Moves

Tiger Knee Crush / Tiger Knee, Tiger Crush
Quick rising knee attack. The move's original input is the source of the commonly-used term "tiger knee." To tiger knee an air move, start its motion on the ground and end with either up, up-forward or up-back to trigger it at low altitude.

Tiger Shot / Grand Tiger Shot (low version)
The original high/low projectile. @term=anypunch@ for high, @term=anykick@ for low.

Tiger Uppercut / Tiger Blow
An anti-air uppercut, unique in that it hits many times in most games.
Super Moves

Tiger Genocide
A tiger knee with tiger uppercuts on the end.
T. Hawk
Throw Moves

Elbow Stomping

Mexican Throw

Neck Hanging Tree
Command Moves

Heavy Body Press
(in air)down+3punch(horizontal jump only)

Heavy Shoulder
(in air)down+2punch(horizontal jump only)

Thrust Beak
Downward chop.
Special Moves

Condor Dive
Angled downwards dive attack.

Mexican Typhoon
T. Hawk winds the opponent up during a big jump before slamming them to the ground.

Tomahawk Buster
Rising attack at a 45 degree angle, "wings" spread.
Super Moves

Double Typhoon
Two Mexican Typhoons in succession.
Vega Balrog (Japan)
Throw Moves

Rainbow Suplex

Stardust Drop
(in air)(close)backward/down/forward+2punch/3punch
Command Moves

Triangle Jump
(in air)(wall)uforward
Special Moves

Evading backflip. When available, Kick version is shorter.

Flying Barcelona Attack
Vega bounces off the wall and slashes at his opponent.

Izuna Drop
c.downup+anykick,(close)(any direction)+anypunch
Vega bounces off the wall and leaps towards his opponent. With careful timing, he can grab and slam them.

Rolling Crystal Flash
Vega rolls forward and stabs out his claw.

Scarlet Terror
A launching forward backflip

Sky High Claw
Vega bounces off the wall and stabs with his claw.
Super Moves

Rolling Izuna Drop
Vega grabs and drops his foe on their head repeatedly.
Wolfgang Krauser
Throw Moves

Bite / かみつき
Zangief viciously and repeatedly bites at the opponent's face.

Zangief viciously and repeatedly bites at the opponent's face.

Brain Buster
Lift the opponent vertically and drop backwards.

Deadly Drive
(in air)(close)forward/backward+2punch/3punch
An over-the-shoulder slam to the ground. Becomes an air throw in Super SF2.

Iron Claw
Zangief grips the opponent's face and crushes it with a level of vigor determined by your mashing.

Leg Throw
(in air)(close)forward/backward+2kick/3kick
Zangief grabs his opponent at the ankles and uproots them, tossing them behind. Becomes an air throw in Super SF2.

A traditional, non-spinning piledriver.

Stomach Claw
Getting a grip on the sensitive stomach region, Zangief repeatedly squeezes.
Command Moves

Double Knee Drop
(in air)down+1kick(horizontal jump only)
Air command normal that stays out for the whole jump.

Flying Body Attack
(in air)down+3punch(horizontal jump only)
In what would become a tradition for huge characters everywhere, Zangief's body press has a wider attack hitbox for easier crossups, etc.

(in air)up+2punch/3punch(vertical jump only)
This short-range air attack causes massive stun, dizzying after a couple hits.
Special Moves

Atomic Suplex
Two successive suplexes.

Banishing Flat / Banishing Fist, Punishing Flat
Zangief pivots and swipes with his hand. Strikes and nullifies projectiles.

Double Lariat
Zangief spins in place with arms extended. Gief has mid-body invulnerability while spinning, meaning most projectiles pass through. Starting in Champion Edition, can move left/right during execution. Kick version, if available, is usually faster with more vulnerability.

Flying Power Bomb
Zangief takes a few steps forward trying to power bomb his opponent.

Spinning Piledriver / Screw Piledriver
Zangief's signature spinning piledriver.
Super Moves

Final Atomic Buster
A series of suplexes, followed by a Spinning Piledriver.